Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, College of Nursing, is a constituent institute of SGRR University, Dehradun which has been growing fast as a centre of excellence in providing education & training in Nursing.
It was established in 2005 with the introduction of Basic B.Sc (N). It is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.

Officially SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing is approved by the apex body, Indian Nursing Council, Delhi, approved and recognized by State Council, Uttarakhand.
Goals & Objectives
The primary goal of nursing programmes at SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing is to prepare and train a student who reflects the following:
CARING Applies and integrates caring behavior that would demonstrate respect for individuality of others.
HEALTHCARE To demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to enhance health care to individuals, families, groups and communities.
COMMUNICATION To achieve mutually defined goals through communications with patients and in collaboration with other health professionals.
ENVIRONMENT Synthesize information that relates to the internal and external environmental factors for use in the clinical decision - making process.
CULTURE Create cultural concepts to solve complex problems in the provision of culturally sensitive nursing care to individuals, groups, families and communities.
COMPETENCY Demonstrates the use of knowledge and acquired nursing skills to provide safe and effective therapeutic nursing interventions in diverse settings.
CRITICAL THINKING Demonstrates the corporation of critical thinking into nursing process and applies research findings to formulate and implement complex decisions in all aspects of nursing care.
TEACHING - LEARNING Develops and conducts appropriate learning - teaching activities to meet the health needs of individuals, families, groups and communities.
PROFESSIONALISM OF PEOPLE Analyzes the interaction of ethical, legal and political factors upon nursing care policy at all levels of practice and demonstrates behaviors which would reflect professional responsibility and accountability.
Innovative and Best Practices Followed at SGRRIMHS
One of the largest Nursing College in North India.
Owns parent Hospital.
Well equipped labs.
About SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing Mission
The Mission of the College of Nursing is to facilitate the healthcare services to the people of Uttarakhand and neighboring states through excellence in nursing education, leadership, scholarship and innovative practices.
The main objectives of the SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing
Utilize the domains of Nursing to provide clinically competent and culturally sensitive nursing care to diverse patients / clients, families, groups, and communities in a variety of settings.
Utilize a variety of strategies to increase self awareness and self- empowerment.
Practice nursing in a manner that reflects caring as the essence of profession / programme.
Practice nursing within established ethical and legal boundaries.
Engage in nursing practices that reflect a holistic view of self and others and respect for diverse cultures.
Participate in activities of the nursing profession as well as activities that benefit the global community.
Work collaboratively with patients, families, communities, interdisciplinary health team’s members and others in providing nursing care.
Communicate effectively, orally in writing and electronically using appropriate verbal and non- verbal techniques.
Recognize issues and trends which affect the multidimensional professional nursing role.
Conduct research and utilize research findings in nursing care.
The philosophy of the College of Nursing is based on the following beliefs:
The purpose of nursing education is to integrate the technical and practical knowledge with a holistic and compassionate perspective of humanity and human relationships, also the harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual powers of individual to help him/her to reach his/her highest potentials for health.
The College of Nursing is committed to provide high quality education based on core professional values, integrating the theory of arts and sciences for expert preparation in the knowledge and clinical skills of professional nursing to qualified individuals who must be prepared and empowered to confront the healthcare demands of a complex and dynamic society.
The College of Nursing is focused to produce professional nurse leaders among health-care professionals in promoting health, preventing diseases, and healing illness among persons and population and enable nurses to act as stewards for healthcare within local, national and global communities.